Clohessy Bench Tops Perth

Bench Tops
A stylish bench top is the heart of any kitchen. Whether you’re preparing food or eating breakfast with your family, your kitchen bench top is always well used. Because you use it every day, you need a bench top that effortlessly combines functionality with style.
At Clohessy Cabinets, we source a huge range of colours and materials, hand-picked to give you the best in form and function. From high quality laminate and engineered bench tops to natural stone and more, we’ve got it covered. Read on for more information about some of our special order bench tops such as solid timber and stainless steel.
Drop into our showroom in Wangara for a closer look, where fully set up kitchens are on display. We’ll help you choose just the right surface to suit your kitchen’s size, usage requirements and decor, not to mention your budget.